Friday, July 21, 2006

The long-awaited 12:1 Video!!!

The "New" Frontier (to activate: left click below. DOWNLOAD RATES VARY!! Eventually, when you right click, you'll be able to select play. Enjoy!)

12:1 (Frontier Medicine)


Much anticipation, blood, sweat, coffee, beer, weed, and grief has gone into the completion of this compilation.

Some doubted if it could be done - others wondered if it would GET done.

I'm just happy I finished before I became a grandfather!

I'm tired. If I get enough sleep, I might come back and post some more . . . in a MONTH!

Monday, July 17, 2006

Good Day.

It seems I am expected to make regular contributions to this whole "sufix" shit.

The best I can do at this time, is to offer . . . a cover.

I sure hope there are some Jefferson Airplane appreciators handy (but no lawyers!)

cleek on hare

And if you appreciate sufix, or agree that we just aren't ready to rip off cover a truly famous and decent band's stuff . . . we'd like to settle out of court.

Friday, July 07, 2006

sufix LIVES!

Welcome to the first EVER sufix blog!

Sufix is "the band".

I, Henkty (Sweets), will be the "face" of sufix, assumed, at will, by "sufix collaborators".

To commemorate this momentous occasion, I have posted a compilation music video.

(to activate: left click below. DOWNLOAD RATES VARY!! Eventually, when you right click, you'll be able to select play. Enjoy!)

Whiskey Bleeds

Drop me and sufix a line, if you like the video, our music, my face . . . whatever!